2020 was the year when the Baby Naps Wigs became the biggest sensation and Lou and I were thinking of ways to fulfill production demand. That's when we started exploring Haiti. Many people ask me, WHY HAITI? Well, I could’ve gone to China; I could’ve gone to Mexico, or I could’ve gone to any of the typical countries that manufacture US products. Yet, Haitian people are known for being master artisans but are often overlooked by the rest of the world for manufacturing opportunities. Since I am African and my husband is Haitian, it was important to outsource our business to a country composed of people who look like us and can benefit from the resources that we have to offer. If we’re going to put our money anywhere and create job opportunities anywhere then let it be in a country of our own people. |
While it was exciting, it was not a piece of cake. I spent months there to establish a manufacturing warehouse, equipped with more than 20 wigmakers fully trained to produce the wigs flawlessly. Not long after arriving in Haiti and witnessing the overwhelming enthusiasm from natives, we realized that Baby Naps Wig was bigger than just the product itself. The product provided an opportunity for them to contribute to the Haitian economy by providing much-needed job opportunities, skills training, and resources. Additionally, the overnight and ongoing success of the Baby Naps Wig enables us to contribute some of the wealth generated within the black hair care industry with black people, residing in a predominantly black country. Ah! WE MADE IT. Now when you know the shit, why don't you crown it too?! HA! |
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